Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well there goes that!

Well my world got turned upside down today.

Today we're supposed to swear in, which is super exciting as we have been working towards this for the last 2 months. However, I also learned today that I will no longer be moving to Arua. There was a situation that I had to file an incidence report and they decided it was unsafe and have pulled me from the region. So I get to learn a new language and move to a new area.

I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, I'm like shit happens, move with the flow and I get to learn another language! I scored intermediate-mid of Lugbarra fluency by the way =). On the other hand...I really liked my organization! I liked the values they had and the work I was going to do. And the fact that it was in town =) I really was looking forward to working with them and had set up some goals and a skeleton of a strategic plan that included creating a sustainable market cycle between the nearby areas/districts. Oh well...guess I'll get to do that over again.

So as of now, they said that they will notify me later tonight about what is going to happen while I wait for them to locate me a new site. And in the mean time, I need to figure out what to do with Char! She's being picked up as I write this and will be brought to me. I hope I can keep her with me!

I'll keep you posted!

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