Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's Official: Tiffany's going to Uganda!

I will be going go Uganda this August (on my birthday actually) as an economic development volunteer. Peace Corps sent me my intro to Luganda (one of the languages spoken in Uganda) this week. Time to start practicing!

Hip hip hooray!


  1. Congratulations! Uganda seems like an amazing country.

  2. I am going to Uganda in August also :)

  3. thank goodness for peacecorpsjournals, lol. i'm super excited for you! all the pcvs are eagerly waiting your groups arrival in country!!

  4. its nice Tiffanya and you Erin are coming here in
    my country , am actually Kabati A Destreet , a talented visual artist, veiw me on face book, DESTREET ART also the home page for my foundation we can do something together maybe, its a a voluntary comunity , ARTS out reach project you are all well come to spend a day or night with us in Kampala, my mobile contact is =256 779 339911,
    thank you.
